Friday, April 1, 2016

Seven Day Visit

Seven Day Visit
Day 1

Morning:        Visit 3 main temple at the earliest Angkor Capital, Hariharalaya. Lolei is a Hindu temple constructed with brick in late 9th century in the center of a man-made lake, Indratadak. Preah Ko is another Hindu temple that show you a lot about the earlieststyle of excellent carvings and architecture of Angkor period. Bakong is an enormous mountain temple built as the state or main temple of this area.

Afternoon:      Travel by road to visit South Gate of AngkorThom.

Visit Bayon and Baphoun templeNext, we walk into the ancient Royal Palace to visitPhimeanakas temple with a beautiful view of royal swimminpoolsg , and then walk to the Terrace of Elephants and the Terrace of the Leper King

Either return directly to the hotel or we could climb up the Bakeng Mountain to enjoy thesunset.

Day 2 
Morning:        We start early in the morning to see Sunrise at Angkor Wat at 5.00am (extra charge)

Visit Preah KhanNeak Pean, Ta Som,MebonPre Rup

Afternoon:      Visit Banteay Kdei and then TapromAfter Taprom, we walk through the forest to Ta Nei and Takeo, Thomanon temple.

Day 3
Morning:        We visit Angkor Watthe architectural wonder, with its world class bas reliefs.

Afternoon:      We visit Tonle Sap, the biggest freshwater lake in Southeast Asia to see floating villages, flooded forest, floating fish & crocs farms, and people living on the lake, bytaking a boat cruise.
Then Artisan D’Angkor workshop and gift Shop, free time for shopping at market and city tour around downtown.

Day 4
Morning:        We drive up Kulen mountain to see carvings in the bottom of the river, a gaint statue carved on mountaintop, and beautiful waterfall where you can swim in its very nice cold river.Then we visit Banteay Srei which is the most beautiful temple of Cambodia.

Afternoon:      We visit Banteay Samre which has similar style to Angkor Wat.

Day 5             
Morning:        Kravan, Batchum, Vihear Prampilongveng, Preah Pithu, Preah Palilay,
Afternoon:      Prasat Bei, Baksei Chamkrong, Prasat Phnom Bakeng.
Day 6              Visit the recently opened jungle temple ofBeng Mealea and then Koh Ker, located about 110 Kilometers from Siem Reap.

Day 7              Depart to Kompong Thom for Sambor Prei Kuk, located 35 km northeast of Kompong Thom. Visit the ancient capital of Chenla with its 100 temples dating from the Pre-Angkorian period. En route, visit traditional villages and stop at the ancientNaga Bridge (Spean Pratpo), located 40 km from Siem Reap. Come back to Siem Reap and en route, if we have time, visit Wat Kohear Nokor (11th century). Continue toPhum Prasat with its single ancient temple.
For detail information about each place, please read in Siem Reap Attraction

                        Price: (according to our experience and quality of our services)1 person=1070$
2 people=1185$
3 people=1305$
4 people=1445$
5 people=1675$
-Professional English speaking tour guide
-A/C car/van with a driver
-Cool fresh drinking water during the tour
-Seven-day temple tickets
- Tickets of Kulen Mountain, Meng Mealea and Koh Ker
-Boat tickets and entrance fees to visit floating village at Tonle Sap Lake
-Extra charge for sunrise and long distance to Banteay Srei temple and Kulen mountain, Koh Ker, Beng Mealea and Kampong Thom.
-Kor Ker, Beng Mealea, and Sambor Preykuk tickets
                        -Transfer in and out services (during the tour only).
-Hotel rate
-all other fees


If you need hotel accommodation with cheaper price than booking yourself, please just tell me what types of hotels, then i will give you options.


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