Sambo Preykuk Temples
Sambo Preykuk Temples
Date: Built in early 7th century
Religion: Hinduism
King: Isanvarman I (AD 615-635)
Sambo Preykuk is a cultural and historical site located in Sambo village, Sambo commune, Prasat Sambo district, about 25 kilometers northeast of Kampong Thom provincial town. The site was once an old capital named Isanapura and a religious center for the worship of Shiva Brahmanism.
The tourist who stays in Siem Reap could drive forfour hours to visit the temples of Sambo Preykuk and return back on the same day. Sambo Preykuk is an amazing place for tourists who want to visit newly-opened and less tourist temples.
Many temples were built in Sambo Preykuk duringthe reign of King Isanavarman I (AD 615- 635) in the 7th century. The temples of Sambo Preykuk were constructed of solid brick, laterite and sandstone and decorated by bas-reliefs. The lintel, pillars and the door frames are all made of sandstone with magnificent carvings. So far, 140 temples have beeen discovered in the forest. Sambo Prekuk temples are divided into four main groups:
Many temples were built in Sambo Preykuk duringthe reign of King Isanavarman I (AD 615- 635) in the 7th century. The temples of Sambo Preykuk were constructed of solid brick, laterite and sandstone and decorated by bas-reliefs. The lintel, pillars and the door frames are all made of sandstone with magnificent carvings. So far, 140 temples have beeen discovered in the forest. Sambo Prekuk temples are divided into four main groups:
· The Central TempleThe central temple is called Tor or the Lion Temple which was built in the 9th century. It has sealed door on each side except the north side which hsa a real door. On each side, there is a staircase with two statues of kneeling lions guarding on both sides. There are a number of temples to the west of Lion Temple.
· The Northern TempleThe northern temples are called Mid-Sambo Temples. It is a complex of many small temples.
· The Southern Temples
The southern temples are called Yeay Poan Temples. It is a complex of many temples. There are two ramparts, which the inner one has four entrances on each side. This site was a former Capital.
· Kraol Romeas Temples
Krao Romeas Temples locates about 2km north of Sambo Preykuk. All were built with brick, except the western temple which was built with laterite.
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